FCC Preteens and Youth are not just programs you walk into, it’s a family that you belong to.
FCC Preteens is a community for students in grade 5-6, and Youth is a community for students in grade 7-12 to belong, be loved, and believe.
We believe that all people are created with incredible value and are passionate about making sure that every student knows that this church is a home for them. Here at FCC you will find a family of students ready to welcome you in and connect as we learn through life together.
We are passionate about equipping and empowering students to be influencers within their community, by following Jesus' example and showing love to all people they encounter.
You are loved, you are valued, and you are invited.
Join us on Wednesdays & Fridays for our Youth and Preteen Programs!
Check out our calendar below for more details. Dates, times and locations may vary from week to week.

Gr. 5-6
All regular programs and upcoming events below.

Gr. 7-12
All regular programs and upcoming events below.